Free Choice Mineral Supplement for All Classes of Equine
- Fortified and properly balanced source of Calcium and Phosphorus
- Contains essential macro and micro (trace) minerals, plus added vitamin sources
- Recommended if you are feeding alfalfa hay
- Offer free choice to help maintain mineral balance with the ever-changing quality of hay, feedstuffs, or other forages
- Not a significant source of selenium. Selenium would need to be fed separately to meet any deficiencies that may be present. Speak with your veterinarian to discuss whether ABC's Selenium and Vitamin E Supplement is needed in your horse's diet.
- Note: Have white salt available at all times.
Click Here to View Product Label
Rush Creek 1:1 Mineral™ Organic - 25 Pound Bag - Item no. A252
*Multi-Bag Discount on 2 or more 25lb Bags!
Rush Creek 1:1 Mineral™ Organic - 5 Pound Bag - Item no. P017